To e-file your Colorado and Federal income tax returns, you need a piece of tax software that is certified for eFile by the IRS.
Most tax preparers can electronically file your return for you, or you can do it yourself using free or paid income tax software, like the examples listed below. Benefits of e-Filing your Colorado tax return include instant submission, error checking, and faster refund response times. You can save time and money by electronically filing your Colorado income tax directly with the. For more details, visit the list of Colorado itemized deductions. You must choose between itemizing your deductions and choosing the Colorado standard deduction, so it's generally only worth itemizing your deductions if your itemized total is more then the Colorado and Federal standard deductions. 4.4 - Colorado Itemized DeductionsĬolorado allows itemized deductions, and you can claim the same itemized deductions on your Colorado tax return as you do on your Federal tax return. You can, however, claim dependent deductions on your Federal Tax Return. Unlike most states, Colorado does not have a dependent deduction. The Federal Income Tax, however, does allow a personal exemption to be deducted from your gross income if you are responsible for supporting yourself financially. Keep in mind that not all deductions allowed on your federal income tax return are necessarily going to be allowed on your Colorado income tax return.Ĭolorado has no personal exemption. Certain itemized deductions (including property tax, qualified charitable contributions, etc) may be allowed depending on the income level and filing type of the taxpayer. Unlike many other states, Colorado has no standard deduction. For details on specific deductions available in Colorado, see the list of Colorado income tax deductions. Using deductions is an excellent way to reduce your Colorado income tax and maximize your refund, so be sure to research deductions that you mey be able to claim on your Federal and Colorado tax returns.

Income tax deductions are expenses that can be deducted from your gross pre-tax income. Ĭompare the state income tax rates in Colorado with the income tax rates in
The IRS will start accepting eFiled tax returns in January 2020 - you can start your online tax return today for free with TurboTax. There are -1202 days left until Tax Day, on April 16th 2020. A small local income tax is collected by several cities in Colorado. You can learn more about how the Colorado income tax compares to other states' income taxes by visiting our map of income taxes by state.Ĭolorado requires all residents, or nonresidents who have earned income within the state, to file a Colorado income tax if they are required by the IRS to file a federal income tax return. Unlike the Federal Income Tax, Colorado's state income tax does not provide couples filing jointly with expanded income tax brackets.Ĭolorado's maximum marginal income tax rate is the 1st highest in the United States, ranking directly below Colorado's %. Colorado collects a state income tax at a maximum marginal tax rate of %, spread across tax brackets.